The Weekend Setup: May 25, 2023

Memorial Day

Today, we honor and remember the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country. While many of us may fire up the grill and enjoy time with loved ones, let’s not forget the true meaning of this US National Holiday. It’s a time to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who served and a reminder to be grateful for the freedoms we enjoy every day. So, whether you’re spending the day at a parade or simply taking a moment of silence, let’s raise a glass to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and say thank you. Happy Memorial Day. 

What to Watch: Band of Brothers and The Pacific on HBO

Looking for something to watch this Memorial Day weekend? Look no further than HBO’s Band of Brothers and The Pacific. These two critically acclaimed series provide a raw and honest look into the realities of war, showcasing the bravery and sacrifice of American soldiers. And while the subject matter may be heavy, the storytelling is based on real people and events. So not only will you be treated to some top-notch storytelling and stunning visuals, but you’ll also come away with a renewed appreciation for the heroes who fought and died for our country.