Think back to the first time you shaved. What do you remember from that experience? How old were you? Who taught you how to shave? Where did you learn?
Now think back to the most recent time you shaved. Are you still using the same type of razor and shaving cream that you did when you first started? Have you learned any new techniques or tips to improve your shave? Are you satisfied with your shave or is it something you reluctantly do because you have to?
Our Introduction to Shaving
Well let me tell you about my first shave, best I can remember. It all started when my dad noticed (with a little pride) a few scraggly hairs poking through above my lip and on my chin. So he grabbed some shaving cream and a disposable razor and we headed to the bathroom. Next thing I knew, I had some of that thick shaving cream from an aerosol can on my face and about 30 seconds later, I was clean shaven. That was easy!
Needless to say, I didn't exactly get a thorough lesson on technique or really any tips on how to shave properly, but at the time none of that really even mattered. After all, there just wasn't much hair there to take off, so why spend unnecessary time discussing technique and how to get a great shave?
And even if I was provided with that knowledge at the time, it probably would have just gone over my head anyway. It would have been like trying to teach someone how to fly a plane the first time they fly. The discussion on how to get a great shave just wasn't needed, at least at that time in my life.
The Tipping Point of Frustration
Now fast forward about 10 years later. We were still using a cartridge razor and aerosol shaving cream. But as we got older, we grew more facial hair all over our face and neck and it had a different texture than that first time we shaved. And all of a sudden, shaving wasn't quite as quick or easy as it used to be. In fact, it was frustrating.
We were experiencing razor burn, ingrown hairs and just a general poor shaving experience. We had nicks and cuts all over our face when we finished shaving and our face always felt like we had been in a dust storm for the following couple of days.
Did we try to find better ways to get a better shave and prevent some of the problems we were experiencing? Absolutely. Looking back, we tried just about every type of cartridge razor and shaving cream that was being advertised and available in stores. The commercials all promised a closer, less irritating shave. But unfortunately those were not the results that we got. What were we doing wrong?
Eventually, we decided enough was enough. There had to be a better product or technique out there that would help us to not detest shaving anymore. And we didn't just mean trying out a new cartridge razor that promised to "raise the hairs" or had a "lubestrip" for a more smooth shave. We set out on a mission to research every possible product and shave method possible until we found something that would give us a superior shave.
Don't Let Shaving Company Advertising be
Your Only Source for Information
Lots of guys get frustrated at the poor quality of a shave they get. But most don't take the action to actually solve the problem. They might hope for a better shave, but they are willing to just suck it up and continue with their routine.
So what's one of the biggest reasons men stick with products that give them an inferior shave? Lack of knowledge.
One of the big reasons we didn't look outside the realm of cartridge razors and aerosol shaving creams is because that is what the shaving industry advertises so heavily. The shaving industry advertises the same products that our dad's used and what they first showed us to use, so why would we question the method or tools? We just assumed "well this must be our best option so just suck it up and be a man."
Does it seem to you like the shave industry is always advertising the next great breakthrough/product? Why do you think that is?
The new disposable razor has 5 blades? Hell yeah I want that! 6 blades? Well that must be even better than the last one that had 5! A new lubestrip to reduce irritation? Finally! Maybe this will give me that smooth, irritation-free shave I've always wanted so bad. It seems like the shave industry is always coming up with the greatest thing since sliced bread...
But unfortunately, like so many other men, we never found the silver bullet. In fact, following advice from advertising in the shave industry always led to more disappointment and more dollars down the drain.
Our Only Goal: To Help You Get A Superior Shave
Our goal here is pretty simple: we want to provide you with the best and most comprehensive information available so that you can repeatedly get a superior shave.
And want to know the really good news? Many of the changes and recommendations we make that lead to a superior shave will end up saving you money! Sounds counter-intuitive, right? If there's other products out there that give a better shave but cost less over the long run, why isn't everyone using them? Well let us explain.
Remember how we said when we followed advice from razor companies about the latest and greatest razor or shaving cream we were always left disappointed? Well razor and shave companies don't advertise products hoping you will get the best shave, they advertise the products that make them the most profit!
Yes, the products they advertise need to be good enough that consumers will actually buy them and stay long-term customers. But as long as consumers continue to spend money on inferior products, there's no reason for them NOT to heavily-promote and sell those products.
The shave industry is a roughly $13 billion dollar industry and is very competitive. What's unfortunate though is that the products that are competitive and dominate today's shave market were essentially established 60+ years ago, and consumers as a whole have yet to complain loud enough to get a shave revolution going.
Don't get us wrong, there's definitely been improvements to the products over time. Cartridge razors and shaving creams are better today than they were back then, but that still doesn't mean they are the best option available. And that's not even when you factor in the cost.
The shave/razor industry is continuing to get more competitive and shifting some of the power to consumers with disruptive companies like Dollar Shave Club and Harry's entering the industry. However, we think consumers have real power when they have knowledge about all of the options available to them, not just the segments of the market that get heavily advertised. Disposable/cartridge razors and electric razors dominate the market and advertising budgets, but that doesn't mean they are your best option.
What Are the Best Shaving Options for YOUR Face?
No two face shapes, hair texture, growth patterns or skin texture are the same. What works for your buddy might not translate perfectly for you. Additionally, no two lifestyles are exactly the same. Some men want a quick shave in the morning as they run out the door to work while some men want to take their time and enjoy the ritual of their shave.
Our point is that what works for another person to give them a nice smooth shave may not work for you. We certainly have our preferences, but our #1 goal at a superior shave is to make you aware of your options. Again, we think the more informed you are about all of your options, the more confident we are that you will find what works best for you. Regardless of what our preferences are.
We are so excited to start this journey and help men find the best way to achieve a superior shave. So what products and topics are we going to be discussing? Here's a sneak peek...
Safety Razors
For our money, the best bang for your buck is going to be the safety razor so lets just go ahead and get that out of the way. And we are pretty confident in saying that most men that have made the switch to the safety razor and took the time to learn the proper technique will back us up on this statement.
So if safety razors are so great, why don't they get more attention today? It's simple: they don't bring in near the profits for razor companies that disposable razors can. More on this later.
Safety razors have been around for a long time: the first safety razor patent was issued in 1847 to William Henson. However, it was not until 1901 when King Camp Gillette submitted a patent for the disposable double-edge blade design that we know safety razors for today. This was basically the first "disposable razor".
Design and Function
Safety razors can appear intimidating at first, but we think most of this intimidation stems from a lack of knowledge.There are hundreds of different types of safety razors out there that you can buy, but the basic design and function of all safety razors are the same.
Think of the actual safety razor as a tool that holds and secures 1 flat razor blade. Essentially, the flat razor blade is fastened inside the safety razor guard that also has a handle attached. The only parts of the razor blade that are exposed are the edges of the razor blade, hence the name "safety" razor. We will have to dedicate a much longer post on how to properly use a safety razor, but for now just know this: safety razors are held at a 45 degree angle to your face while you shave.
Safety razors are generally separated into 3 categories based on how they open up for the blade to be put inside.
One-piece or butterfly open safety razors
The one-piece safety razors are commonly referred to as butterfly safety razors because the top opens by twisting the handle so that once open, the top looks somewhat like a butterfly with its wings open.
The two-piece is very popular and requires the user to unscrew and remove the top of the safety razor in order to install a new razor blade.
Can you guess what is different about the three-piece design? We're being sarcastic. Yes, the only difference is that there are three parts to the design.
Don't get too caught up on the difference between butterfly versus two-piece versus three-piece safety razors because once the blade is placed inside the safety razor, it makes no difference on how the blade gets put in. What does matter is the quality of the safety razor when you start shaving.
There are hundreds of quality safety razors available for purchase and we are going to post articles with very detailed descriptions about which safety razors we think are the best. But here is how safety razors can differ and some of the aspects you should consider when looking to purchase a safety razor
Key Differences When Shopping For A Safety Razor
- Price
- Open comb or safety bar
- Length of handle
- Weight
- Aggressiveness
- Type of material
- Closeness of shave: safety razors provide an extremely close shave. Yes, 1 blade actually gets closer than 5 or 6 blades. We will explain the science of this later. Just remember, don't believe everything the shaving companies advertise.
- Cost: safety razors are extremely cheap after the initial investment. The actual safety razor can be an investment of anywhere from around $10 all the way to over $100. However, after the initial investment, the blades are incredibly cheap. You can usually get high-quality double-edge safety razor blades for between $10 and $20! How does that compare to the money you are forking over for cartridge razors?
- Similar technique: if you currently use a cartridge or disposable razor, you will use the same general technique with a safety razor. However, you will have to break some bad habits! They aren't difficult to break, but you can't treat you safety razor like you did your cartridge razor, and trust us when we say that is actually a good thing.
- Learning curve: Safety razors take a little bit of practice. You will need to be patient and watch a few videos on how to shave with a safety razor, but it is not overly complicated. Like we said just a minute ago, the problem is you are going to have to break bad habits from your cartridge razor days. But with the right amount of patience and practice, we are confident that anyone can learn how to use a safety razor.
- Time and concentration reqiured: if you switch to a safety razor, you're probably not going to be able to shave your face quite as quickly as when you used a cartridge razor. But we are talking less than a few minutes added to your total shave time. Is 2 to 3 extra minutes too long for you to wait for a superior shave?
Straight Razors
Want to feel like a badass? Start using a straight razor! We are joking a little, but we seriously do think using a straight razor is pretty awesome if you are willing to learn how to use and maintain one.
Have you ever seen a guy getting a nice shave at the barber? That's probably a straight razor the barber is using.Straight razors are extremely simple in design but probably the most difficult shave technique to learn. We will be going into much more detail about straight razors and their design in future posts, but for now basically imagine a straight razor as one long piece of metal like a knife but with a very sharpened edge.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. There are 2 types of "straight razors" you can buy. The first is the traditional old school straight razor that we just described. However, another type of straight razor many men are buying because it requires less maintenance is a shavette.
A shavette has the same basic design and function of a straight razor except it uses razor blade inserts. Shavettes provide great shaves and we will certainly be bringing you more information and our recommendations on them. We just want you to be aware of shavettes as an option though. If you're interested in getting a premium shave but don't want to have to spend time honing a straight razor, we highly recommend looking into shavettes.
There are lots of great videos and articles about how to use a straight razor online. For an introduction to straight razors and to see what it is like to use them, we recommend checking out this video on how to shave with a straight razor.
- Closeness: when properly done, straight razors provide the closest shave you can get. Don't believe us? Go get a straight razor shave at a barber and then come back and talk with us.
- Cost: after the initial cost, your costs going forward are very minimal assuming you can properly hone and strop the straight razor on your own. If you go with a shavette option, your costs also will be minimal going forward as the replacement blades are a fraction of the cost of cartridge razors.
- Control: you have absolute control of the straight razor.
- Difficult: If you get easily discouraged and want to quit something as soon as it gets hard, using a straight razor probably isn't for you. Using a straight razor is a completely foreign technique to guys that have been using a cartridge razor their whole life, making it difficult to learn. Difficult for sure, but not impossible.
- Time-consuming: shaving with a straight razor is probably the slowest way you can shave your face and neck. If you want to use a straight razor, plan on adding another 5 to 10 minutes to your shave routine.
- Must sharpen: The good news is that a high quality straight razor typically only has to be sharpened every 6 to 9 months. However, it does take some time and effort to hone and strop the razor. Of course, you could always pay a professional to sharpen your blade if you are willing to spend the money. And don't forget about shavettes: you don't have to sharpen them because you will just use replacement blades.
Cartridge/Disposable Razors
Ah, so we are finally to good old cartridge and disposable razors. First of all, what's the difference between a cartridge razor and a disposable razor? It's a pretty simple distinction. With a disposable razor, you use it several times until the blades go dull and you throw away (dispose) of the entire razor.
With a cartridge razor, you again use the razor several times until the blades go dull, but you don't dispose the handle part of the razor. You de-attach the actual razor and only dispose that part. Cartridge razors are disposable razors in a sense, but the shaving industry does distinguish between the two types. There's really not much difference in the two though as you can usually find the same design as both a cartridge razor and a disposable razor.
If you haven't been able to tell by now, we are not real high on cartridge razors. We think they are an inferior product at a premium price. However, cartridge or disposable razors actually are the best option for some men. If that's you, great! We want to make sure you get a superior shave too, so we will absolutely be providing reviews, best of articles and tips on how to improve you cartridge razor shave routine.
- Convenience: cartridge and disposable razors are just convenient. They are easy to buy and don't require any maintenance. This is probably the #1 benefit that keeps a lot of men as cartridge razor customers. Because when it comes to performance and cost, cartridge razors really can't compete.
- Anybody can "use" them: cartridge razors are not difficult to use. Well, that's what most people think. Unfortunately, most guys are using them wrong. However, most guys don't realize this. Yeah, they are easy to use out of the box, but that just covers up mistakes most guys make while shaving. This thought process is probably why this was the first razor you were taught how to use.
- Quickest shave: looking for a quick shave? Outside of some electric razors, cartridge razors are probably the quickest shave. Two points though: 1) we are probably talking a matter of 2-5 minutes quicker and 2) quicker certainly does not mean better. Do you really not have 5 minutes in your day to get a better shave?
- Cost: oh boy can these get expensive! Depending on how thick and quick your facial hair grows and how often you shave, you might have to replace your cartridge on a weekly basis just to get a decent shave. If so, you are looking at spending maybe $20 to $30 a month on razor blades. Ouch!
- Closeness: do not believe the cartridge razor companies claims that more blades equals a closer shave. It is a marketing ploy that has been debunked. We will cover this in more detail in another article, but just remember that 1 blade is superior to multiples blades.
- Irritation: cartridge razors typically cause more irritation than safety razors and straight razors. Why? Because they re-aggravate areas that are already "shaved". Think about it: if there are 5 blades on the razor and the first 2 or 3 blades actually shave the hair off, what are they last couple of blades doing? Exactly. Nothing but irritating your skin.
Electric Shavers
Electric shavers are pretty polarizing: they either work great for a mans shape and hair texture or they are an expensive and regretful purchase. There's really not much in-between for most guys unfortunately.
Electric shavers have come a long way in the last 10 years, and there are great options out there. However, you've got to know which type will work best for your situation. The last thing you want to do is spend $150+ on an electric shaver that doesn't deliver on what you were looking for.
It is important to do your research when you are looking to buy any shave-related product, but it is especially important to do research when you are looking at potentially purchasing an electric shaver.
There are two main categories when it comes to electric shavers: foil and rotary. Rotary shavers cut hair using spinning heads/blades while foil shavers use a thin layer of foil to "capture" the hair in its slots where the razor then makes the cut.
If you are looking into buying an electric shaver, your research should begin with deciding as to whether you will buy a foil shaver or a rotary shaver. You really need to get this decision right if you want your electric shaver purchase to be a success.
When Should You Purchase A Rotary Shaver Versus Purchasing A Foil Shaver?
When to buy a rotary shaver...
- You don't shave every day but rather only shave when the hair starts to have some length
- You have thick and/or coarse hair
- Your hair grows in multiple directions
- You are okay with a shave that isn't as close as what it would be with a razor
When to buy a foil shaver...
- You want to shave every day
- You have thin and/or fine hair
- Your hair grows out straight in primarily in one direction
- You want as close of a shave as possible with an electric shaver
We are going to go in much more detail in the future about foil versus rotary and hopefully guide you towards the right purchase, but that should give you a quick summary of which is better for your requirements.
Regardless of whether you decide to go with a foil or rotary shaver though, electric shavers as a whole share the same benefits and drawbacks.
- Convenient: the most obvious benefit of electric shavers is that they are convenient. Instead of having to devote some time at home to your shaving routine, you can just grab your electric razor on your way out the door and shave in the car on the way to work. This is great for the guy that is always on the run and doesn't have time to find a sink and get a wet shave in.
- Travel: electric shavers are great for travel because 1)you can take them in your carry on luggage 2) there's no need to pack shaving cream/soap, all you need to pack is your charger.
- No other tools needed: you might need some other tools or products to clean your shaver, but when it comes to actually shaving, you won't need anything else. No need for shaving cream or anything else.
- Dry shave: this is a throwback to the convenience benefit. If you're in a hurry all the time and don't have time for a wet shave, an electric shaver may be your best option.
- Closeness: unfortunately, electric shavers just can't shave quite as close as a safety razor, straight razor or even cartridge razor. However, if you don't care about getting the closest shave possible, this may not be that big of a concern to you.
- Expensive, especially if you don't like it long-term: electric shavers can be expensive. First, your upfront costs are usually more expensive. Secondly, the replacement heads/blades can get expensive. Lastly, if you don't like the electric shaver, it's a pretty big sunk cost.
- Learning curve: yes, there is a learning curve to using an electric shaver. Although you would think they would be one of the simplest to use, that's not always the case. It takes some time to learn the right amount of pressure to use and at what angle to get good with an electric shaver. If you have a little patience, this should not be a problem. But not all guys have the patience and sometimes just never figure it out.
- Cleaning: it's very important to keep your electronic shaver clean. It is a high-tech machine, and if you're not keeping it clean and maintained, it's not going to give you as good of a shave as it was designed for.
- Needs to be recharged: electric shavers are convenient, when they are charged. It seems like when your needing a quick shave before an important meeting or date is always the time your shaver is not charged. It shouldn't be difficult to charge your electric shaver, but if you don't, your kind of SOL.
Shaving Creams, Soaps & Brushes
Finding the right razor for your shaving routine is important, but it is just as important to use the right complementary tools to assist with your shave. If you buy a Ferrari, are you going to use the same discount tires that you would put on a Ford? We hope not.
Let's start with the lube you are using to shave with, aka shaving creams and soaps. We assume most of you guys probably are using a shaving cream from an aerosol can. After all, this is what we have been told to use whether it was by our dad or on the shaving commercials we see on TV.
Well you are in for a treat when you learn about all the other options out there! We aren't against shaving creams, just the types that come in aerosol cans. There so many ingredients on these cans that damage your face that it makes us shudder.
That's why our focus is on shaving soaps and creams that don't come out of aerosol cans and preferably use all-natural ingredients. And the great thing is that men have so many options out there to choose from!
You may not realize this is you have always bought your shaving cream at a drug store or grocery store, but there are literally hundreds of awesome shaving soaps and creams out there for you to choose from. And we can't wait to help you find the shaving cream or soap that is best suited to help you get your best shave.
Upgrading to a quality shaving cream or soap will vastly improve the quality of your wet shave, but using a shaving brush to apply the soap or cream will help to improve the quality even more. So how exactly does a shaving brush benefit your shave?
- Creates a rich, warm lather from your cream or soap making application easier
- Softens the hairs on your face which just invites the razor to make a cleaner and smoother cut
- Adds some heat during the shaving process which in turn opens up the pores and better lubricates the skin
- Gently exfoliates your skin removing dead skin cells
Selecting the right razor for your shaving situation is extremely important on your path to a superior shave, but you can't neglect the complementary tools needed. Using the right cream, soap and brush can be just as important as selecting the right razor. Don't stress though, we will help you find exactly what you need and fits your budget so you can kiss those aerosol cans goodbye for good.
Welcome to Shave School
We want to thank you so much for coming to a superior shave and taking the time to read our content. There's a lot of information out there (some good, most of it bad) and the fact that you took the time to read what we have to say really means a lot to us. So thanks.
But now is it time for us to really get to business. This article is just the beginning. Now it is time for us to really dive into the details and give you the specific information that will help get you a superior shave. Once you graduate from our shave school, we're confident your shave experience will be greatly improved.
We already have great product reviews and best of articles about what products we recommend, but we need your help. What currently frustrates you most about your shave? What problems are you having? Ingrown hairs? Razor burn? Just terrible quality and un-smoothe shave? Leave a comment below and let us help you find a solution. We want to focus on content that will you help you guys find solutions to what problems you are facing. That is and always will be our #1 goal here at a superior shave.
Thanks again so much for taking the time to stop by and read our thoughts. We can't tell you how excited we are to help you find the products and techniques that will give you a superior shave.