Category: Safety Razors

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How to Clean Your Safety Razor

When you hear the word “investment”, you probably think of things like stocks, bonds and real estate. And yeah, those are pretty important things to learn if you ever want to retire one day, but I also want you to think of your safety razor as an investment. No, …

Muhle R41 review

Have you ever read a product review and at the end of it you were still confused what features and qualities distinguished it from similar products? Well you shouldn’t have to worry about that problem after reading a review on the Muhle R41. The R41 is a great …

WEISHI Long Handle Safety Razor Review

Life is all about managing expectations. When you don't let your expectations run rampant about something, and your expectations actually end up meeting reality, you're going to be a happy camper. That's why the WEISHI long handled safety razor is all about managing expectations. Don't get us wrong, it's …