Today we are going to be reviewing another slant bar safety razor: the Merkur 39C. This razor is sometimes referred to as the “slant sledgehammer” or the “older brother of the 37c”.
So why is it called the older brother to the 37C? Because the razorhead on the 37C and the 39C are near identical. However, the handles are very different. We will get more into that later though.
Merkur safety razors are some of the best on the market. They have an extensive line of razors that vary in regards to sizes, weights, designs and aggressiveness. In my opinion, the question shouldn’t be if you should buy a Merkur safety razor, the real question is which Merkur is right for you.
So is the Merkur 39C slant bar the right one for you? Let’s find out.
- Cuts through facial hair easily and efficiently
- Heavy with great weight distribution
- Long handle is excellent for men with bigger hands
- Incredibly durable 2-piece design
- Learning curve when switching to a slant bar
- Can feel aggressive if you don’t use good technique
Product Overview & Specs
- 2-piece safety razor
- 4 inches long
- Weighs 3.9 ounces (111 grams)
- Closed comb, slant bar razorhead
- Knurling on handle
- Chrome finish
- Made in Germany
Key Features of the Merkur 39C
Heavy With Excellent Balance Point & Weight Distribution
At almost 4 ounces, the Merkur 39c is one of the heavier safety razors on the market. It is the heaviest slant bar safety razor I have found, but somebody please correct me in the comments if I’m wrong.
Personally, I like how heavy the 39c is. All that weight makes it easier to let the razorhead do the work and use proper wet shaving technique.
The balance point on the 39C is in a really good location as well. It is located about 1 inch below the razorhead. This is the ideal location to grip the razor correctly and use good form.
One Of Bigger Safety Razors
One of the main things that stands out about the Merkur 39C is just the sheer size of it. It’s one of the longer safety razors at 4 inches long, but that’s not all. The frame just seems bigger and bulkier than others this size.
It’s still an easy safety razor to hold and shave with. If you have average-size or large hands, this should be really comfortable to use. If you have small hands, you might want to go with another option though.
Good Grip, But Not My Preferred Design By Merkur
The 39C has pretty good grip on the handle, but it’s definitely not my favorite design from Merkur. The 39C has the barber pole style design. And while it’s a very sleek and masculine look, it’s not quite as functional as the knurling design Merkur uses on a lot of their other safety razors. The thick knob at the bottom is good spot to rest your pinky though.
Overall very good grip and easy to handle, just not as good as some other Merkur razors in my opinion.
Above Average Aggressiveness Can Deliver A Very Smooth Shave
The Merkur 39C slant bar is definitely above average aggressiveness, but I don’t think it’s as aggressive as a lot of other guys make it out to be. I rate it as a 6/10.
I think the main reason that other wet shavers have said it is so aggressive is just because it is a slant bar. And if you don’t know how to use a slant bar, it isn’t going to be a comfortable shave. BUT…
If you do know how to use a slant bar, it should actually be less aggressive while still delivering a very close shave. The angle of the blade makes it much more effective at cutting the hairs. Watch some of videos on youtube of how to use a slant bar and you should be able to learn some tips to help with the learning curve.
Tough, Durable 2-Piece Design
The Merkur 39C slant bar is an incredibly tough and durable safety razor. The 2-piece design is my favorite because it doesn’t have any weak spots or design flaws. This razor is made with top quality materials too. It has a brass frame but is chrome-plated. This isn’t some cheap, flimsy safety razor that is going to break after a few months of use. Take care of it, and the 39C could last for many, many years.
Who Do We Recommend The Merkur 39C For?
The Merkur 39C slant bar is an excellent safety razor, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right safety razor for a lot of men.
I definitely would not recommend the 39C, or any slant bar for that matter, for a beginner wet shaver. It’s such a big change going from a cartridge razor to safety razor that there’s no reason to make it even more difficult and add in the difficulty of a slant bar. Beginners should really focus on understanding how to use a safety razor before moving to a more advanced slant bar.
So who is the Merkur 39C a good fit for? Any wet shaver that wants to experiment with a slant bar that is big and heavy. Is the 39c pretty aggressive? Yes. But as long as you know how to use it, it should deliver a really nice, comfortable, smooth shave. Most men find out that once they learn the right technique, it is actually easier on your face than other razors that are the same level of aggressiveness.
What Are Some Other Safety Razors To Consider?
Merkur 37C
The Merkur 37C is my favorite slant bar safety razor. It has the exact same razorhead as the 39C so it delivers pretty much the same level or aggressiveness. However, I just prefer the handle on the 37C. It’s shorter and lighter, but I think the grip is significantly better because it has the classic knurling instead of barber pole style design.
It’s really just a choice between what kind of handle you want when deciding between the 37C and 39C. Both are excellent slant bar safety razors, just depends on what your preferences are.
Edwin Jagger DE89
The Edwin Jagger DE89 is one of the most popular safety razors on the market. It is a great razor for beginners, and I would know because it was actually my first ever safety razor.
The DE89 is great for beginners because it is moderately aggressive and has a straight bar and closed comb. This really allows you to experiment with a variety of blades to see which is best for your face.
It has a very good overall design and is a durable 3-piece safety razor. I do wish it had knurling on the handle, but the grip is still really good. I’ve never had any issues with it slipping in my hand. And the chrome finish is just superb.
The Edwin Jagger DE89 is just an excellent option for any wet shaver that wants a dependable, affordable safety razor that is moderately aggressive. There’s a reason it’s so popular -- it’s a really, really good safety razor.
Parker 99R
Looking for something even more aggressive than the Merkur 39c slant bar? Well if you need a really aggressive safety razor, one of your best options is the Parker 99R.
The handle and overall design of the 99R is actually pretty similar to the 39C. It has the same barber pole style handle. It’s big at 4 inches long and it’s heavy at 3.4 ounces. One difference though is that the 99R is a butterfly open instead of the 2-piece design like the 39C.
The Parker 99R is a straight bar, closed comb safety razor, so what is it that makes it so aggressive? I think the main thing is that it just has a pretty big blade gap. Lots of the blade is exposed which in turn makes it feel really aggressive.
I DO NOT recommend this razor for beginners. You need to know what you’re doing when shaving with the Parker 99R, otherwise it’s not going to be an enjoyable experience. But if you have a thick, coarse beard, need an ultra-aggressive razor and know how to use a safety razor, then this is a great option.
Still not sure which safety razor you should buy? Then go read my comprehensive guide on the best safety razors on the market right now. It has all the information you need to find the best safety razor in your budget.