Feather is one of the most popular brands in the wet shaving community. They don’t have a very big or extensive line of products, but the few products they do make are well known for being some of the best available.
What is Feather probably best known for? Their blades. Spend anytime in an online wet shaving forum and you will see guys talking about Feather blades and how sharp they are. They really set the industry standard for sharpness.
We have previously reviewed Feather’s budget safety razor, the economical but still very practical “Popular”. But today we are looking at what many see as one of the most premium and high-end safety razors on the market: the Feather AS-D2. Yes, there are more expensive and probably fancier safety razors out there. But when it comes to a premium safety razor with mass appeal, this is probably the best and most popular.
What makes the AS-D2 so special? Pretty much everything. Incredible design and craftsmanship. Attention to detail. Best materials used for performance and durability. Even the packaging is similar to that of a high end product like a cell phone from Apple or Samsung.
When it comes to design and overall performance, I can’t find any flaws with this razor. That said though, this safety razor is really the right razor for a very small percent of wet shavers. Why? Because this design and performance doesn’t come cheap.
So do you think it’s worth it to spend a lot of money on a high-performing safety razor? Let’s find out.
- Looks like a piece of art
- Highest craftsmanship and finish
- Best grip out there
- Best materials used
- Comfortable to hold and shave with
- Premium packaging
- Minimal blade gap limits cuts and provides a smooth shave
- Price
- Too mild for some men with thick, coarse beards
Product Overview & Specs
- 3.2 ounces
- 3.5 inches long
- 3-piece design
- Closed comb
- Made in Japan
Key Features Of The AS-D2
Premium Design, Finish, Materials and Cost
Everything about the AS-D2 says “premium”. The design. The finish. The materials used. The attention to detail.
It’s like the difference between a Ford and a BMW. The Ford can get you where you need to go and is a great and reliable car. But the BMW is just a step up in luxury and performance.
The design, finish and attention to detail on the AS-D2 are the best of any safety razor I’ve ever used. Simply put, I can’t find any part of the design that needs to be improved.
Premium Packaging
I usually don’t place much emphasis on “packaging” because it has zero impact on performance. But the packaging of the AS-D2 is really impressive. Like I said earlier, it’s packaging is more similar to that of an iphone than that of a safety razor.
Ideal Weight and Balance Point
The AS-D2 weighs in at 3.2 ounces so it’s got a good amount of weight to it. It’s not the heaviest de razor, but it’s definitely well above average in weight, which is what I like.
What’s probably even more important though is that the balance point is in the ideal location. It is located about ¾ of an inch below the razorhead. This is the perfect spot to be able to get a comfortable grip and use good form by letting the weight of the razorhead do all the work.
Beautiful Handle Provides Exceptional Grip
The Feather All Stainless Steel de razor has a unique handle that is both beautiful and functional. It has cross-sectional knurling along most of the handle. There are three smooth grooves at both the top and the bottom of the handle. These are excellent for a spot where you can rest your pinky and allow it to help you balance the razor.
The knurling looks somewhat similar to that of something like the Merkur 23c or Merkur 33c, but it’s much more detailed knurling. If you look really closely at the AS-D2 handle, you will see that the knurling actually looks like tiny little diamonds.
The design of handle and knurling on the AS-D2 is easily the best I have found on a safety razor.
Comfortable Length
Every wet shaver is going to have a different opinion of “ideal” length for a safety razor, but I think the AS-D2 is an excellent size at 3.5 inches long. It’s large enough that men with big hands can hold it comfortably. But it’s not so long that it’s difficult to maneuver around and switch into different positions while shaving. For me, the AS-D2 is incredibly comfortable to hold and use.
Moderate Aggressiveness Makes It Versatile
I think it surprises most wet shavers to learn that the Feather AS-D2 is a pretty mild safety razor. Most men think that something this expensive should be really aggressive because you should be getting a baby butt smooth shave with just 1 pass.
But the AS-D2 is very minimal blade exposure which limits the aggressiveness. I rate it as a 3/10 on the aggressiveness scale. But I certainly don’t think this is a bad thing.
The truth of the matter is that most men don’t need an overly aggressive razor to get a really close shave. As long as you don’t have really thick or coarse hair, a moderately aggressive razor and a sharp blade is all most men need to get a close to baby butt smooth shave. And the benefit from using a less aggressive razor is that it’s not going to cut you up near as much when you make a mistake shaving.
What I like about the AS-D2 is that it really puts the control in your hands of how close of a shave you want. If you want a mild shave, you can just use a Shark or Merkur blade. But if you need a little more aggressiveness, all you have to do is drop a Feather blade in it. And like I said earlier, the benefit is that it’s still going to be a very, very smooth shave when compared to a more aggressive razor with sizable blade gap.
3-Piece Design is Durable and Functional
I really like 3-piece safety razors because they can be taken apart and are really easy to travel with. However, I do have some important advice when it comes to 3-piece razors: make sure you do not over-tighten the razorhead when replacing blades. Over time, this can strip the threads and make the razor unusable. How do I know this? Because I made this mistake with my first 3-piece razor.
The Feather AS-D2 design is genius though because it prevents you from even being able to make this mistake. How so?
Well on the inside of the top of the razorhead, there are little bumps that rise up in the 4 corners. These bumps serve 2 purposes. First, they help to ensure that the blade is perfectly aligned in the razorhead. And secondly, they act like a washer and help prevent you from over-tightening the razorhead and stripping the threading.
Who Do We Recommend The Feather AS-D2 For?
When it comes to overall performance, the Feather AS-D2 might be the best safety razor out there. This all stainless steel safety razor really has no design flaws or weak spots. It delivers an effortless and smooth shave every time I’ve ever used it.
But it’s not for everyone. First of all, if you have a thick beard or coarse facial hair, there’s a chance it might not be aggressive enough.
Secondly, not everyone has the budget for the AS-D2. Yes, it provides an incredible shave, but there are a lot of other really affordable safety razors that provide quality very close. If you have the money for it, the Feather AS-D2 is an incredible safety razor and I’ve never heard a wet shaver be disappointed in its performance. But don’t feel like you have to spend this much money just to get a decent shave.
What Are Some Other Safety Razors To Consider?
Merkur Futur
The Merkur Futur is a sleek and modern safety razor. I personally really like the smooth, polished chrome look, but it’s probably not as functional because it doesn’t have any knurling for grip.
One unique feature about the Merkur Futur is that it is an adjustable safety razor. It’s a really simple and ergonomic design to adjust the blade gap to get the level of aggressiveness you want. So if you’re a little unsure of how aggressive a razor you want, this is an excellent option.
Merkur 23C
The Merkur 23c is probably the most popular safety razor on the market right now. It has a simple yet efficient and I really like the long handle (4.2 inches long). And although the quality of the knurling can’t compete with the Feather AS-D2 (nothing can), it still has some of the best grip out there.
The Merkur 23c is also moderately aggressive, but I think slightly more so than the AS-D2. I rate it as a 5/10 so it’s a great option for a wide range of wet shavers.
Feather “Popular”
Want to buy a Feather safety razor but can’t afford the AS-D2 yet? Then I recommend taking a closer look at the Feather “Popular”. It doesn’t have the fancy design or high-end finish of the AS-D2, but it also doesn’t have the price tag.
The “Popular” is considered a “budget” safety razor because of its price and the materials used, but it actually delivers a really excellent shave. It’s moderately aggressive and the shave quality is really impressive. The Feather “Popular” might be one of the most inexpensive razors on the market, but it certainly doesn’t shave like other “budget” safety razors.
Still not sure you found the right safety razor you want to buy? Then go read my extensive guide on what I think are some of the best safety razors on the market right now. It should have all the information you need to find the right safety razor in your budget.