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The Weekend Setup: April 27, 2023

What to Watch: Love and Death Premiere on HBO Max Need some weekend plans? Look no further than the premiere of Love and Death, the highly-anticipated mini-series now available on HBO Max. Starring the talented Elizabeth Olsen, the show is based on the true story of a Texas …

The Weekend Setup: April 20, 2023

Style Upgrade: Get a Pullup Bar Looking to upgrade your style without breaking the bank? Look no further than a pull-up bar. It may seem like a minor addition to your home gym, but it can be one of the easiest investments you make for your fitness routine. …

The Weekend Setup: April 13, 2023

What to Read: Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb If you haven’t read Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, you’re missing out on some thought-provoking insights surrounding the paradox of fragility and what it means to be “antifragile.” This book is not your typical self-help …

The Weekend Setup: April 6, 2023

What to Watch: Air on Amazon Prime UConn just steamrolled their role to another Men’s basketball NCAA championship. If you’re looking for a movie that shows where it all started for Michael Jordan and Nike though, checkout Ben Affleck’s latest movie Air available on Amazon Prime. The movie …

The Weekend Setup: March 30, 2023

April Monthly Challenge: Eliminate One Website You Check Too Often We all have that one website we check too often. It’s a waste of time, not productive, and yet we can’t resist the urge to click that bookmark. But why not take the challenge this April and eliminate …

The Weekend Setup: March 23, 2023

What to Watch: Final Season of Succession on HBO This weekend is finally the moment we’ve all been waiting for – the season premiere of the final season of Succession. The stakes are higher than ever as we witness the power struggle between Logan, Kendall, Roman, Shiv and …

The Weekend Setup: March 16, 2023

Weekend Chore: Schedule Annual Physical It may only be March, but I highly recommend going ahead and getting your annual physical scheduled sooner than later. I know, I know, it’s not exactly the most exciting way to spend part of your weekend. But trust me, it’s worth it …

The Weekend Setup: March 9, 2023

Date Night: Dance Class If you’re tired of the same old date nights and looking for a unique way to connect with your wife or girlfriend, consider stepping out of your physical comfort zone and enrolling in a dance class. Trust me, there’s nothing like the bond created …

The Weekend Setup: March 2, 2023

March Monthly Challenge: Take the Stairs As we approach the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it’s the perfect time to add a little extra exercise into our routines. And what better way to do that than by taking the stairs whenever possible. Don’t worry, we’re …

The Weekend Setup: February 16, 2023

Style Upgrade: Clothes Hangers Fellas, if you’re wondering why your dress shirts, suits, blazers, and polo shirts never seem to look as good as they did in the store, we have a hunch that your hangers might be to blame. Not only can flimsy wire and plastic hangers …